
New function “Photo & Data Report” is added in MEX.


Thank you for using MEX.(Mitsubishi Materials E-Scrap EXchange)

As a new function “Photo & Data Report” is added in MEX.


Currently MEX was able to view and download the Data of delivered lots at once, but Photo taken by MMC was only able to view and download by lot-by-lot.


By using “Photo & Data Report” it is now able to view and download both Photo & Data at once. We believe that it will be much easier for customers to check and analysis about the delivered lots.


Please download “User Guide” from MEX and find more details.


To improve our MEX system, we are more than welcome to have your opinion.

New functions which we have installed in MEX will be announced throw this web site.

If you haven't requested your MEX ID yet, please make a request.

Also for customers which we haven't been able to issue MEX ID yet, we are preparing your ID at this moment.

As soon as your ID is ready we will share you information how to apply.

If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact us.
